
Bariatric Surgery in Florida Helps Arthritis Sufferers

During the study's window, 2003 to 2009, the number of U.S. adults classified as obese who were also diagnosed with arthritis rose significantly in 14 states but decreased in the District of Columbia.

Rising obesity rates among arthritis sufferers can lead to increased problems for arthritis patients, according to a recent study. Often resulting in what some call bariatric weight loss, bariatric surgery in Florida could be an effective tool for arthritis patients. A need for accessible and effective weight loss surgical procedures, such as the Lap Band® is critical, according to researchers in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study.

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Researchers found the number of states where 30 percent of the adult population with arthritis was obese saw a 10 percent jump to 48 percent during the six-year study. States with more than 40 percent of obese adults with arthritis increased from zero in 2005 to 12 in 2009. This is when weight loss surgery could potentially lessen the symptoms of this obesity related arthritis.

Joining the rest of the country in fighting obesity with a weight loss surgical procedure known as Lap Band, Florida is quickly embracing the safest type of weight loss surgery and the rest of U.S. has available today. A surgeon laparoscopically installs a band around the top of the stomach, creating a small pouch which allows the patient to feel full faster. The average gastric band patient undergoing bariatric surgery in Florida spends less than 24 hours in the hospital. For those interested in weight loss, Sun Coast Bariatrics specializing in bariatric surgery in Tampa, FL is at the top of that list.

All of those that are seeking substantial weight loss in Tampa may already know the list of challenges associated with their condition can be lengthy. Unfortunately, debilitating weight gain can be a result of the lower level of activity seen in arthritis sufferers. In the study, researchers looked at risk factors over a seven year span. They found the prevalence of obesity among adults with arthritis to be 54 percent higher than among adults not suffering from arthritis.

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